[. . . ] www. huskyliners. com 316. 221. 2268 ­ 800. 344-8759 ­ (Fax) 316. 221. 7423 ­ P. O. [. . . ] Pull the passenger side hinge pin (1994-95 _ Dodge pickup's require removal of one bolt prior to pulling the passenger side hinge from it's pin). Save the factory tailgate support cables and the passenger side hinge bushings if so equipped. Attach the tailgate support cables and the passenger side hinge bushings. Install the new Husky Liners tailgate in the same manner the factory tailgate was removed. Remove the original latch striker pins from the pickup box with a Torx® head wrench. Remove the washer and plastic bushing from the striker pin and slide on the Husky Liners supplied tubing. [. . . ] If desired, these can be mounted on the truck bed near the top in such a way the tailgate will close against them. · · · · [. . . ]